| PLT Data is a graphical interface to create NONMEM* datasets from source files: Source files can be from Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .csv), SAS (.xpt, .sas7bdat), or text format (tab-delimited or pipe-delimited) Files are converted to csv format, summarized, and a portion displayed in a text file. Link sample / Cp data (options -- only needed if these data are in separate files). Merge dosing and DV (Cp) data into a format accessible to NONMEM. Time: calculate 'time after dose'; time in hours or days; referenced to first sample or dose or preceding midnight
Add covariate data (demographics / vital signs / lab values to dataset.
Calculate additional covariates (BMI, BSA, LBM, Elderly (cutoffs of 65, 70, 80 years), GFR (5 equations available).
Graphics: by subject (by period, if in dataset), time-after-dose, composites, dose-normalized
* NONMEM is a registered trademark of the Regents of the University of California. NONMEM Licenses can be obtained from Icon Development Solutions.